Antihypertensive conditions

Antihypertensive conditions

Lowering blood pressure in children is quite common (from 5.8 to 14.8% – V.N.; 3asukhina and E.V. Fedorova), and it is often underestimated in terms of health status. Arterial hypotension is primary and secondary: with cardiovascular, endocrine, infectious diseases, against the background of nutritional disorders and dystrophy.

Etiology and pathogenesis of hypotensive conditions

In the development of arterial hypotension, a hereditary predisposition, a violation of the function of the endocrine glands (neurohumoral dysregulation is important . A major role is played by foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, cholecystocholangitis , dental caries).
The basis of the changes are corticovisceral disorders, leading to a drop in blood pressure (neurocirculatory dystonia).

Clinic of antihypertensive conditions

In most cases, children do not complain, although they periodically have a decrease in blood pressure, headache, excessive sweating, irritability, fatigue, periodic dizziness and fainting. The pulse is labile. From the side of the heart – muffled I tone, systolic murmur of a functional nature. Blood pressure is lowered, initially systolic, then diastolic can also decrease. These changes may be transient, less often they become persistent.

Differential diagnosis of hypotensive conditions

Arterial hypotension should be differentiated with various chronic intoxications and the latent course of rheumatism. Secondary hypotension must be excluded.
The prognosis is favorable in most children with a transient decrease in blood pressure. However, the disease often proceeds for a long time, periods of improvement are replaced by periods of deterioration (under the influence of various adverse factors). With secondary hypotension, the prognosis depends on the course of the underlying disease.

Treatment of antihypertensive conditions

The correct regime of the day, the maximum stay in the fresh air, physical education, water procedures. Of great importance is a nutritious diet with sufficient intake of vitamins. In severe cases, you can prescribe caffeine, tincture of ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, zamanicha, aralia, pantocrine, bromides, tincture of valerian, elenium, andaxine . Physiotherapeutic procedures are applied with a tonic effect on the body. It is necessary to treat a focal chronic infection (debridement). With secondary hypotension, rational therapy of the underlying disease is of great importance.

Prevention of antihypertensive conditions

The correct regime of the day, a combination of training with physical education and sports, hardening procedures.

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