Daily Archive 09.12.2018

ECG for ventricular extrasystoles

ECG for ventricular extrasystoles

Ventricular ectopic impulse is carried out through the ventricles not through the His-Purkinje system, but through a relatively slowly conducting myocardium. Changing the sequence and slowing down the activation of the ventricles causes the forming ventricular complexes to become deformed and broadened.

The complexes are premature, wide (<0.12 s), deformed and, unlike atrial extrasystoles, they are never preceded by a premature R-wave.

ECG characteristics of ventricular extrasystoles: – QRS complex of ventricular extrasystoles: Premature Wide (> 0.12s) Changed in shape (deformed) It is not preceded by a premature P wave. Several terms are used to describe the location of the source, time of occurrence and number of ventricular extrasystoles.

Characteristic source (focus) of ventricular premature beats

Ectopic complexes of the same form, following with the same intervals of adhesion, occur in the same focus. They are called “monofocal”, “monomorphic”, “monotopic”. Different in shape and adhesion intervals, ventricular complexes suggest the presence of more than one focus. Such extrasystoles are called “multifocal”, “polytopic”, “polymorphic”.