Daily Archive 16.11.2018

Electrophysiological examination (EFI) of the heart is normal

Electrophysiological examination (EFI) of the heart is normal

For the first time, the Electrogram of the His bundle (PG) was able to register Puech and Latuor in 1957 in a patient with the Fallot triad. Under the electrophysiological study (EFI) understand a special invasive method for the diagnosis of arrhythmias, namely intracardial electrography, first of all, electrocardiography PG and programmed heart stimulation.

When EFI recorded the following potentials:

• A ‘- high potential of the right atrium;
• A – deep potential of the right atrium;
• CS – coronary sinus – representative of the left atrial potential;
• V – ventricular potential;
• intervals between them.

After recording the indicated potentials and intervals, they proceed to intracardial stimulation of the atria and ventricles with increasing frequency. This allows to clarify the nature of the various tachyarrhythmias. With the help of mapping, it is possible to accurately determine the localization of the arrhythmogenic focus in the following parts of the heart: atrium, AV-node, additional conduction path, ventricles. Then find out whether catheter ablation is possible. When bradyarrhythmia value EFI is small.